親愛的婕妤 - 給女兒的信 |
讀者書評 |
物業管理行政人員Gigi CHOW 讀他的新作,令我的繁忙生活頓時多了一股清泉,洗滌疲憊的心靈。我最愛此書的《引導篇》,喚醒我對人生、對社會觀點與角度的重新思考,讓我在每天營營役役的生活中得到啟發。 |
盧朱燕群師母 Such a well written book. I have finished reading it in one night as it was so moving. |
總建築師John NG A book which touches the heart is a really good book, so does yours. |
總建築師Rosa HO After reading only 1 letter from the book, I have the impulse of writing a short note to my daughter. I will quote the letters to my daughter as well. |
高級傳訊經理Nancy HO We, as Chinese parents, seldom express our feeling so deeply, you really help flowing out our love to our children with touching and beautiful words. Sure I will let my two daughters to read your books. |
一位女兒在英國留學的母親 I had already bought the book from 商務 and 急不及代 to read in the MTR. Without having finished the 1st chapter, I am forced to stop reading it cos I couldn't see any words because of my tears and frightened to be discovered by people. I am going to give the book to her when she is back this summer. |
中國神學研究院院長余達心牧師 Excellent book. I was touched in reading the first four letters. It is a real fine piece of work, and I am sure God will use that widely in response to the tragic fragmentation of family in our society. |
物業管理經理 Margaret WONG What you have said to your daughter is what I want to say to my daughter too. Of course I will also recommend it to my friends. |
Ingrid LAM 相信我比你嘅女大幾年左右,但睇嘅時候都好有代入感,覺得自己收倒爸爸嘅信!感受倒爸爸嘅愛與鼓勵!相信你嘅作品將會對社會有正面嘅影響,請繼續為大家而寫落去﹗ |
政務官Jeffrey CHIM You are a really good writer. |
律師Cindy Hong I finished it on my flight back to Shanghai and really enjoy it. I can feel the blessings God have on your family, it is a good testimony of a family seeking after God's will. |
高級工程師Stephen WONG I shall recommend my friends and relatives to read your book which is really excellent. |
建築師Lilian Li 好書,好書,書已贈與我兒。我已向《登峰》出發!!! |
播道神學院教務長馮志雄牧師 讀來甚欣喜。 其一,是全書流露出你們家親密、溫馨的一面,為你們感謝神! 其二,喜見你和女兒不單建立暢通無阻的溝通渠道,能與女兒無所不談,更道盡人生大小道理,充份表現出既是慈父,也可是女兒的良師益友,實在是現代家庭的楷模。 願主使用此書,激勵人努力建立兩代關係! |
Sharon Li I can sense my parents' thoughts from this book. |
立法會議員何鍾泰博士工程師 You have written 2 wonderful books. |
Management Trainee Brian Yuen I think the book portraits what it means to be a father in a Christian household. It also challenges the young man's heart to take the risk and express his affection to the people he loves and cares about. The book has a lot more to offer than just a collection of letters to his daughter. |
基督教播道會朱麗娟姑娘 文筆優美簡潔很容易吸收和使人有興趣看,此書使人感受到父親對女兒的細心與關愛是現今在社會上難遇到的 |
Serena TAM I am touched by the stories between you and your daughter and the depths of the subjects explored. I particularly enjoy the stories about the cream soup you didn't touch and that your daughter showed her determination in riding the animal on a spring when she was young. |
Wah Pui Gwen of the Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School 內容滿載日常生活點滴,點滴展現家人淳厚親情,親情啟導處世倫理價值。作者文筆流暢,用詞細膩,細緻處能令讀者如身歷其境,感同身受;以輕鬆手法灌輸高尚人生觀和價值觀。 作者善用擬人法描寫事物,藉襯托手法,利用正反例子,巧妙地引出作者對事物的看法。 作者觀察事物仔細,描寫栩栩如生。能夠借日常瑣事發揮人生的道理,令讀者明白到日常毫不起眼的事,都蘊產著值得學習的人生道理。 作者寫情細膩、富感染力 我推介這部書給同學們,因內有很多人生哲理讓我們反思,而且作者的文筆值得我們去學習。內容全是作者的親身經歷,情真摯;詞句中親情洋溢,感染力強。作者向女兒的教誨,不是沉悶的說教,而是以輕鬆的激勵和啟發;流暢的文筆,引導讀者細味,頓悟基本的核人價值,值得我們細閱。 |
保良局李城璧中學區子呈 這本書簡直是個人反思的良物,絕對值得一看。 |
網友 看著這一篇篇的家書,也喚起了很多我童年的回憶。 |